Shabbat Morning with Nafshenu

Guess what, folks? We have a chance to get together in person again this Shabbat (April 2), and if weather permits, to do it outside. Please consider being there Saturday morning, physically or on Zoom. We’ll have lots of good music, led by Noah, and what should be an engaging talk on Parashat Tazri’a with...

Weekly Torah Study

Parashat Metzora What happens when a plague hits a house? Not human disease but rather decay,mold, disrepair, and general breakdown? Well, the Torah takes up housing blightin this week’s portion – Metzora (Leviticus 14-15). And the way the early rabbisread this biblical text has more than a little in common with today’s urbanreformers and activists.Please,...

Kabbalat Shabbat Services

Join Nafshenu for a spiritual, reflective & musical Kabbalat Shabbat followed by a community potluck dinner. Register: Active Registrations:

High Holidays Survey
