Nafshenu began our High Holy Day season with a return to in-person services at Cooper River Park. Our annual “Rosh on the River” celebration could not have happened on a more beautiful evening. As the sun began to set over Cooper River, over 50 members of our growing community enjoyed a lovely celebration lead by our own Student Rabbi David Goodman and Cantorial Soloist Noah Levine. The following morning, our community met at Kings Grant and online through zoom to bring in the New Year with our Rosh Hashana services. Our morning service was again led by Student Rabbi David and Noah. Noah ended the service with a beautiful blowing of the Shofar to welcome in the new year.

The following week, we gathered at Kings Croft Community Center to begin our day of atonement as we welcomed in Erev Yom Kippur. The following morning, we met again at Kings Grant to worship and atone for the past year and seal our names in the book of life for another year.

As the harvest season and fall began, Lauren Thompson opened her home for our Nafshenu Sukkah. Our Pie Under the Sky celebration celebrated Sukkot with our community, Pizza, and, of course, Pie!

We concluded the High Holy Day season with our Simchat Torah celebration. Once again, Lauren opened her home as we scrolled through the Torah to begin another year. We celebrated each other, our faith, and starting another year of study.