Shabbat Yitro

From the desk of student rabbi David Goodman:

We have two virtual gatherings coming up this weekend: First, join us on Zoom tomorrow evening at 6:30 PM for Kabbalat Shabbat – a joyful, musical prayer service – and a lively discussion of Torah. Click here to register and receive the Zoom link.

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On Saturday morning, we join together at 10:00 AM to celebrate the Bar Mitzvah of Brandon Price, whose family joined Nafshenu last year. As his tutor, I have seen Brandon’s hard work pay off as he got ready for this life change. You will be able to hear him chant his Torah portion and give a sermon about it. Please help Brandon and his family mark this big step – click here to register and receive the Zoom link.

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Brandon’s Torah portion included the Ten Commandments — and more.  Exodus 18:1-20:23 is known as Parashat Yitro, named for Moses’ father-in-law Jethro (Yitro). He sees that Moses is working himself to death by making all the decisions for the Israelites and stages an intervention. “You need to delegate,” Jethro tells Moses. “Appoint judges to decide the small stuff and save yourself for the really big decisions.”

Moses takes that advice, then sets out with the people toward Mount Sinai. There, he prepares the Israelites for their upcoming close encounter with God, who will give them the laws for living as a holy people. The people tell Moses they’re afraid of getting too close to God. “You speak to us and we will pay attention,” they tell him. “Don’t let God speak directly to us or we might die.” So they stay at a distance while Moses ascends the mountain.

We’ll be talking about commandments, about the importance of delegating, and fear of powerful forces on Friday evening, and Brandon will have his wisdom to share on Saturday morning. Hope to see you there!

– student rabbi David Goodman

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